Thoughtless thoughts

I saw a phrase this morning that said love is a miracle and I had so many thoughts running through my mind,I haven’t thought about love in a very long while because waking up every morning to the same old random routine feels draining and mentally stressful,seeing my mother’s face every morning when I open her bedroom door,that radiant smile even when I have this permanent angry look on my face and soaking everything in,that’s where it ends for me..

I don’t know how it feels anymore to be in love,the word even makes me cringe,my mom thinks I have a problem and that’s why I can’t get a man,lmaoooooo!!!!!trust me there are more important issues,aaaah!! I hate it that I’m an adult,I can’t deal with the reality,it’s too depressing for me so I just go with the flow and the thought that I have a little girl inside me that has adamantly refused to grow up and a huge part of me is happy with that thought..

Okay I’m done so I need to go listen to BTS and do more graphic design,bye!!!!!


By greymist17

she's a graphic designer who loves the simplest things,she has a knack for baking,reading books and other fun adventures ❀❀❀

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